Optics Are Everything

Posted July 5, 2024 by Catherine Kaputa in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

We are pegged in a matter of seconds: good/bad, like/dislike, winner/loser. That’s why you need to seize the first two seconds in an interview or important meeting. It’s all based on snap visual impressions: how someone enters the room, how they carry themselves, how they look, what they are wearing as I discuss in my book, “You Are a Brand, 2nd edition.

For most of us, our hasty first impression will be indelible. The importance of a first impression is not only in establishing who you are, but also in selling how good you are.

We’re all guilty of snap judgements based on looks and how someone expresses themself. People that create a strong first impression benefit from a halo effect. People with a positive visual identity are deemed smarter, more likable, talented, successful and better in so many ways in studies.  That’s why you need to understand the laws of visual identity and verbal identity.