Contact Catherine
Catherine Kaputa is known for her books, talks and workshops on personal branding combining vivid stories, marketing wisdom, real-world examples, and humor in a talk tailored to each audience.
Click here for Catherine Kaputa’s Speaking 1-Pager. For inquiries about Catherine’s speaking engagements:
Stay in Touch
Catherine is based in New York City. To reach her directly, send her an email or send her a text message.
catherinekaputa.com SelfBrand Website Art of Branding Blog YouTube/Catherine Kaputa |
Twitter@CatherineKaputa Facebook/SelfBrand |
For the Media
Select media where Catherine has been featured:
To interview Catherine about her books, the topic of branding or personal branding contact Catherine.
Catherine Kaputa Speaking 1-pager
The New Brand You book cover
Catherine Kaputa PR Kit
High resolution picture of Catherine Kaputa
Breakthrough Branding book cover
You Are a Brand! book cover
Women Who Brand book cover